Here are some of the blogs I keep my eye on to keep informed. It is not an exhaustive list and there are many other fine blogs around. There is no “order” in this list.
- The Anglican Catholic – presently “asleep”
- Father Smuts – informative and constantly on the move
- The Continuum (ACC – Fr Hart) – mostly Sunday sermons and commentaries on the 39 Articles these days. He was very polemical and critical about Archbishop Hepworth and the Ordinariate movement.
- Father Ed Bakker’s Blog – spiritual reflections mainly
- Retro Church – dormant as of late
- The Anglican Diaspora – not a blog but a forum, a little on the quiet side at present
- O cuniculi! Ubi lexicon Latinum posui? – Deacon Munn’s excellent blog
- Deborah Gyapong (Foolishness to the World) – Ordinariates
- The Anglo-Catholic – Christian Clay Columba Campbell, back in business, and it will remain to be seen whether this blog will rival its own heady days in 2009 and 2010
- Fr. Hunwicke’s Liturgical Notes – now dormant, but the archives are intact
- Bishop David Chislett – spiritual reflections mainly but edifying
- Virtue Online – the old classic but not very sympathetic to Catholic Anglicanism
- The New Liturgical Movement – my favourite on the liturgy
- Hermeneutic of Continuity – slow but informative
- Valle Adurni – some good and thoughtful articles
- Le Forum Catholique – traditional Roman Catholicism in France, a forum
- Rorate Caeli – traditional Roman Catholicism in the rest of the world
- Liturgiae Causa – now asleep /defunct but with interesting reflections on the liturgy
- Fr. John T. Zuhlsdorf – informative though sometimes not very “nice”
- www.chiesa – Sandro Magister, Vatican watcher
- Whispers in the Loggia – another Vatican watcher and who’s who expert
- Holy Smoke – Damian Thompson – the “blood-crazed ferret”, a must
- Saint Mary Magdalene Brighton – Fr Ray Blake, Roman Catholic parish priest and on the ball
- A Conservative Blog for Peace – John Beeler, the Young Fogey, a classic